This Amenity Release Waiver Form Template can be used as a reference, a guide, or as-is for an amenities release and waiver. The contents of the form particularly are designed to protect the owner from any possible injuries, illness, or death caused by COVID-19. The document also presents as informed consent in allowing the person who signs the document to understand the current status of COVID-19, its impact globally, as well as how it spreads from one person to another. This helps the person be aware of its existence and the possibility for him/her to acquire the disease in case he/she uses the amenities. Although the facility owner may comply with the governmental standards and guidelines in preventing the spread of the virus, such prevention is not absolute and thus guests, patrons, clients, or customers may still acquire the virus due to the negligence of others. Thus, having this Amenities Release Waiver ready protects the owner from having these problems.