
One Question Survey: 5 Examples to Drive Results

Four young women chatting in a park during a One Question Survey.

Sometimes, the simplest tools are the most powerful.  One question surveys cut through the complexity of traditional surveys, providing targeted feedback with minimal effort.  Their simplicity boosts response rates, yielding focused insights to help you achieve specific goals. This guide will explore 5 practical one-question survey examples to get you started.

One Question Survey

Definition and Key Benefits

A one-question survey is exactly what it sounds like – a survey consisting of a single question. The advantages include:

Easy for Respondents: Quick completion time encourages participation.
High Completion Rates: People are less likely to abandon a one-question survey.
Laser-Focused Data: Responses directly address your specific query.

Types of One Question Survey

One-question surveys can use various formats:

Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measures loyalty with questions like “How likely are you to recommend this

to a friend?”
Open-Ended: Gathers qualitative insights with questions like “What’s one thing we could improve?”
Rating scales: Quantifies opinions (e.g., 1-5 satisfaction rating).
Multiple-choice (limited options): Provides targeted responses (e.g., Yes/No/Maybe).

5 Examples of One Question Surveys to Drive Results

Example 1: Post-Event Feedback
Goal: Gauge event satisfaction
Sample Question: “On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to recommend this event to others?”

Example 2: Product Feature Evaluation
Goal: Gather input on a new feature
Sample Question: “Would you find [new feature description] valuable? (Yes/No)”

Example 3: Customer Service Assessment
Goal: Measure support experience
Sample Question: “How would you rate your recent interaction with our customer support team?” (Excellent/Good/Fair/Poor)

Example 4: Website Feedback
Goal: Improve website usability
Sample Question: “Did you find what you were looking for on our website today? (Yes/No)”

Example 5: Employee Pulse Check
Goal: Track morale
Sample Question: “Overall, how satisfied are you with your work experience this week?” (1-5 scale)

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Tips for Creating Effective One Question Surveys

Keep the question short and clear: Focus on a single, well-defined topic.
Choose the right question type: Align the question format with the kind of data you need.
Provide a context: Briefly explain to respondents why their feedback is important.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can a one question survey provide meaningful insights?
Absolutely. Despite its simplicity, a well-crafted one-question survey can yield valuable and actionable insights. The key lies in framing a concise yet impactful question.

Q: How can I choose the right wording for my survey question?
Selecting the right wording is crucial. Keep it clear, concise, and unbiased. Test your question with a small group to ensure it’s easily understood and prompts thoughtful responses.

Q: Are one question surveys suitable for all industries?
Yes, one-question surveys are versatile and can be adapted for various industries. Whether you’re in retail, healthcare, or technology, a carefully designed one-question survey can deliver meaningful results.

Q: Should I incentivize respondents to increase participation?
While incentives can boost response rates, it’s essential to strike a balance. Ensure that the incentive doesn’t overshadow the survey’s purpose, maintaining the integrity of the responses.

Q: How frequently should I deploy one question surveys?
The frequency depends on your objectives. For ongoing feedback, periodic surveys may be suitable. For specific events or product launches, timing is crucial—ensure your survey aligns with your overall strategy.

Q: Can one question surveys be used for employee feedback?
Absolutely. One-question surveys are an excellent tool for gathering quick feedback from employees. They are time-efficient and can provide valuable insights into the employee experience.


One question surveys offer a quick and powerful way to gather targeted insights. Don’t hesitate to experiment with this format! Whether you’re  assessing customer satisfaction, evaluating new features, or gauging employee morale, one-question surveys can help you make better data-driven decisions.

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