
Effective Text Message Survey Example for Instant Feedback 2024

Golden stars on a pink background featuring a laptop, pen, and notepad, symbolizing a text message survey.

This blog will guide you through creating an effective text message survey, highlight the importance of instant feedback, and provide an example that you can use.

In today’s fast-paced world, getting quick and valuable feedback from your customers is crucial. One of the most efficient ways to gather this feedback is through text message surveys. They are easy to send, have high open rates, and can provide you with instant responses.

Why Choose Text Message Surveys?

Text message surveys are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and effectiveness. Here are some reasons why they work so well:

1. High Open Rates: Unlike emails, text messages have an open rate of over 90%. This means that your survey is more likely to be seen and responded to.

2. Instant Delivery: Text messages are delivered instantly, ensuring that your customers can respond in real-time.

3. Convenience: Customers can respond to text message surveys at their convenience, making it more likely that they will participate.

Common Pain Points in Gathering Feedback

Many businesses struggle with gathering timely and useful feedback. Here are some common pain points:

1. Low Response Rates: Traditional survey methods often suffer from low response rates.

2. Delayed Responses: Feedback collected through emails or paper surveys can take a long time to gather and analyze.

3. Poor Engagement: Long and complicated surveys can discourage customers from participating.

4. Difficulty in Analyzing Data: Large volumes of unstructured feedback can be challenging to analyze effectively.

How Text Message Surveys Address 

Text message surveys can effectively address these challenges:

1. Higher Response Rates: With a higher open rate, text message surveys are more likely to get responses.

2. Timely Feedback: Instant delivery means you can gather feedback quickly.

3. Better Engagement: Short and simple text message surveys are easier for customers to complete.

4. Easy to Analyze: Responses to text message surveys are often more straightforward and easier to analyze.

Crafting the Perfect Text Message Survey

Creating an effective text message survey involves careful planning and consideration. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Keep It Short and Simple

The key to a successful text message survey is brevity. Keep your questions short and to the point. Avoid asking too many questions in a single survey. Aim for 1-3 questions per survey to keep it manageable for your respondents.

2. Use Clear and Concise Language

Ensure that your questions are easy to understand. Avoid jargon and complex language. Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for your customers to provide feedback

3. Personalize Your Message

Personalization can significantly increase engagement. Use the customer’s name if possible and tailor the questions to their specific experience.

4. Provide an Incentive

Offering a small incentive, such as a discount or entry into a prize draw, can encourage more customers to participate in your survey.

5. Follow Up

Send a follow-up message thanking your customers for their feedback. This shows that you value their input and can help build a positive relationship.

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Example of an Effective Text Message Survey

Here’s an example of a simple and effective text message survey:

Message 1:

“Hi [Customer’s Name], thank you for shopping with us! We would love to hear your feedback on your recent purchase. Can you spare a moment to answer a quick survey? Reply YES to start.”

If the customer replies YES, proceed with the survey:

Message 2:

“Thank you! On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied were you with your purchase?”

Message 3:

“Thank you for your rating! What is one thing we could do to improve your experience?”

Message 4:

“Thanks for your feedback! As a token of our appreciation, here’s a 10% discount on your next purchase: [Discount Code]. Have a great day!”

Analyzing and Acting on Feedback

Once you’ve collected the feedback, it’s important to analyze it and take action. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Categorize Responses

Group similar responses together to identify common themes and issues.

2. Prioritize Actions

Determine which issues are the most critical and prioritize them for action. Addressing the most pressing concerns first can have the biggest impact on customer satisfaction.

3. Communicate Changes

Let your customers know that you have heard their feedback and are taking steps to address their concerns. This can help build trust and loyalty.

4. Monitor Progress

Keep track of any changes you make and continue to gather feedback to ensure that your actions are having the desired effect.

Benefits of Instant Feedback

Gathering instant feedback through text message surveys offers several benefits:

1. Real-Time Insights: Get immediate insights into your customers’ experiences and identify any issues as they arise.

2. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Quickly addressing customer concerns can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Better Decision Making: Having access to timely feedback allows you to make more informed decisions.

4. Increased Engagement: Engaging with your customers in real-time shows that you value their input and are committed to improving their experience.


Text message surveys are a powerful tool for gathering instant feedback from your customers. By keeping your surveys short, simple, and personalized, you can increase response rates and gather valuable insights. 

Use the example provided as a starting point and tailor it to fit your specific needs. Remember to analyze the feedback you receive and take action to address any issues. This approach will not only help you improve your products and services but also build stronger relationships with your customers.

Start using text message surveys today and see the difference they can make in understanding and meeting your customers’ needs.

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