
Setting up a Webinar to gather Email Addresses

Lead creation is a vital part of any good marketing plan because it is the foundation of a strong business. If you don’t keep bringing in new customers and getting people interested in your goods and services, your business won’t last very long.

There are many ways to get leads, but one of the most successful is to collect emails through webinars.

If you’ve been in business for a while, mainly if you use digital marketing to promote your brand, you’ve probably been to one or more webinars and been asked to sign up for more.

That’s because learning to set up a webinar to collect emails or get leads is an excellent use of your time. Using webinars for marketing is a guaranteed way to bring in more money.

Read on to find out how to use webinars to reach your primary goals: grow your email list and get leads.

Webinar to gather Email

Webinar Advantages 

First, let’s talk about some of the perks of webinar marketing:

  • A Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs survey found that 61 percent of B2B marketers think webinars are the best way to sell content.
  • Webinars have a bigger audience than in-person events, vital during the coronavirus pandemic when in-person events are impossible. Thousands of people can join, depending on the software you use and the amount of membership you choose.
  • Through webinars, you can market your business and show that you are an expert in your area.
  • Webinars bring in more sales and leads. Because you must sign up to attend, you will already have an email list of potential clients you can call later. You’ll also have the perfect reason to follow up with attendees, give them more information about the goods, programs, or services you discussed in the webinar, or send them a recording of the event. Some of these leads will, of course, turn into sales.
  • You can break up the webinar into smaller pieces to use in blog posts, social media posts, and email ads.
  • Use a video of a webinar as a premium lead magnet or content upgrade to get more email addresses.

How to set up a Webinar ? 

You’re sure including webinars in your content marketing plan is a good idea. How can webinars be better to generate more leads and get more people to sign up for emails? In this case, “gathering emails” means registering people for a webinar, which can be done in several ways.

13 Ways to Increase Webinar Registrations 

Here are 13 ways to get more people to sign up for workshops.

  1. Make a blog post about your webinar or a set of blog posts. Talk about who the event is for, why they should go, and what they will learn from it. The call to action at the end of the blog post will send readers to your landing page, where they can sign up for the webinar. You will collect their email addresses there to send them updates and other information.
  2. You should share the blog post on all of your social media sites. If it fits your marketing budget, use paid social advertising on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to spread the word about the blog post.
  3. Make short, targeted content, like graphics, for each social media site you use, and post it there in the days and weeks before the webinar with a link to the registration page.
  4. Use ads on the social media that your leads will most likely use to promote the webinar directly.
  5. Make sure to say that the webinar is free and that anyone who signs up will get the video when it’s ready. This will help you get more email addresses.
  6. Use your webinar recording as a lead magnet or content upgrade that users have to sign up for to view.
  7. Co-host a seminar with the owner of a similar business. Businesses will use email and social media to inform their customers about the webinar. This will give them the chance to get more email addresses.
  8. By email, ask the people on your list of existing subscribers to tell their contacts about the webinar.
  9. Ask both current and former customers to invite their friends to the webinar.
  10. Ensure a lead capture form for webinar registration is on a visible page of your website or the most popular websites.
  11. Make a press release about the webinar, send it out through PR Newswire or another press release service, and do everything you can to get the word out.
  12. Ask your sales team to promote your webinar if you have one.
  13. Ask people important to your audience and with whom you have good relationships to spread the word about your webinar. This is integral to the equation’s “good relationships” part.


Even though it may take more time, thought, and work than other content marketing products, a webinar can have a higher return on investment in the above ways; unlike different types of content marketing, which can take months to show results, a well-planned webinar can bring in new email users and qualified leads quickly if it is shared with the right audience.

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