
Cultivate Inclusivity: 10 Belonging Survey Questions That Make an Impact

Business professionals shaking hands in an office setting, symbolizing collaboration and agreement on belonging survey questions.

Discover 10 impactful belonging survey questions to cultivate workplace inclusivity. Learn how to build a diverse team where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard. Unlock the power of employee surveys to enhance your company culture and boost team morale.

Building a workplace where everyone feels like they belong is no easy feat. It’s more than just having a diverse team; it’s about making sure everyone feels valued, respected, and heard. One powerful tool to understand the pulse of your team’s sense of belonging is a survey. But crafting the right questions can be tricky. Let’s dive into 10 questions that can make a real difference.

Why Belonging Survey Questions Matters

Before we get to the questions, let’s talk about why belonging is so important.

  • Improved morale: When people feel like they belong, they’re happier and more engaged in their work.
  • Increased productivity: A strong sense of belonging leads to better teamwork and problem-solving.
  • Lower turnover: People are less likely to leave a company where they feel valued and included.
  • Stronger company culture: A culture of belonging attracts top talent and builds loyalty.

10 Questions to Gauge Belonging

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. These questions are designed to give you insights into how your employees feel about their workplace.

General Belonging Questions

  1. Do you feel like you belong at this company? This is a straightforward question that gets right to the point.
  2. How comfortable do you feel sharing your opinions and ideas with your colleagues and leaders? This question helps you understand if people feel heard and valued.
  3. Do you feel like your contributions are recognized and appreciated? This question gauges if employees feel like their work matters.

Inclusion Questions

  1. Do you feel included in team activities and social events? This question helps you identify if there are any exclusionary behaviors.
  2. Do you believe your company is committed to creating an inclusive workplace? This question measures how employees perceive your company’s efforts.
  3. Have you experienced any discrimination or harassment at work? This is a sensitive question but essential for understanding the climate.

Leadership and Management Questions

  1. Do you feel your manager supports your career growth and development? This question helps you assess if managers are creating a growth-oriented environment.
  2. Do you feel your manager creates a psychologically safe space for team members to share ideas and concerns? This question measures if managers are fostering open communication.
  3. Do you feel your manager treats everyone fairly and equitably? This question helps identify any potential biases in leadership.
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Overall Workplace Experience

  1. What can our company do to improve the sense of belonging for employees? This open-ended question allows employees to share their thoughts and suggestions.

Turning Insights into Action

Once you have the data, it’s crucial to take action. Here are some tips:

  • Share the results: Transparency builds trust. Share the survey results with your team, explaining the steps you’ll take to address any issues.
  • Focus on specific actions: Don’t just make general promises. Develop concrete plans to improve belonging, such as diversity training, mentorship programs, or employee resource groups.
  • Measure progress: Regularly assess the impact of your initiatives to see if you’re making a difference.


Question: What are belonging survey questions?
Answer: Belonging survey questions are designed to assess employees’ feelings of inclusion and connection within an organization. They help gauge how valued and understood employees feel in their workplace.

Question: Why are belonging survey questions important?
Answer: These questions are crucial for understanding workplace culture and identifying areas for improvement in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. They can lead to enhanced employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

Question: What types of questions are included in a belonging survey?
Answer: Common questions may include:

  • Do you feel your values align with those of the organization?
  • How comfortable are you expressing your authentic self at work?
  • Do you feel integral to the company’s goals?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how strongly do you feel a sense of belonging in our organization?

Question: How can organizations use the results from belonging surveys?
Answer: Organizations can analyze survey results to identify strengths and weaknesses in their workplace culture, develop targeted DEI strategies, and foster a more inclusive environment.

Question: How often should belonging surveys be conducted?
Answer: Regularly conducting these surveys—annually or biannually—can help track progress over time and adapt strategies as needed to improve employee belonging.

Question: What is the difference between belonging and inclusion survey questions?
Answer: While belonging survey questions focus on individual feelings of connection and acceptance, inclusion questions assess whether employees feel their contributions and perspectives are valued within the organization.

Question: How do you ensure anonymity in belonging surveys?
Answer: To encourage honest feedback, organizations should assure employees that their responses are confidential and use anonymous survey tools that do not link responses to individual identities.

Question: What challenges might arise when implementing belonging surveys?
Answer: Challenges can include employee skepticism about the survey’s purpose, concerns about retaliation for honest feedback, and difficulties in interpreting and acting on the results.

Question: Can belonging survey questions be customized?
Answer: Yes, organizations can tailor questions to reflect their unique culture, values, and specific DEI goals, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in gathering insights.

Question: What follow-up actions should be taken after conducting a belonging survey?
Answer: After analyzing the results, organizations should communicate findings to employees, outline action plans for improvement, and implement initiatives that address identified issues to foster a culture of belonging.

Remember, building a sense of belonging is an ongoing process. It requires consistent effort and a genuine commitment to creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.

By asking the right questions and taking action on the feedback, you can create a company culture where everyone feels like they belong.

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