
Tips on Writing NPS Survey Email

When figuring out how happy your customers are with your product or service, there are a few telling signs that you’re doing a good job. These include strong social media engagement, excellent conversion rates, and rising profits over time.

But you can ask them directly in an email Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey to avoid guessing how your customers feel about your products and customer service.

Tips on Writing NPS Survey Email

What is NPS ? 

NPS is short for “Net Promoter Score.” It is a standard business statistic used to measure customer loyalty and determine how likely customers are to tell others about a brand, product, or service.

The NPS is based on asking customers how likely they are to recommend a business to a friend or coworker from 0 to 10.

Customers are put into three groups based on how they answer:

  • Promoters (scores 9–10): These are loyal, happy customers who are likely to tell others about the company.
  • Passives (scores 7-8): These customers are happy but more relaxed about it. They may be open to what rivals have to offer.
  • Detractors (scores 0-6): These customers are unhappy and could hurt the company’s image by telling others about their bad experiences.

How to calculate NPS?

To figure out the NPS, you subtract the number of critics from the number of supporters. Higher values show that customers are more loyal and that more of them are boosters. The range of the NPS score is from -100 to 100. Any business wants a high NPS because it usually means the company is doing well and keeping customers.

Ideas on writing an NPS survey email

Now that you’ve learned more about Net Promoter Score and NPS survey emails, keep reading to learn how to write a good NPS survey email .

Make your NPS survey email distinctive and personalized.

People are more inclined to complete surveys using your brand’s fonts, taglines, logos, and colors. This is especially true if the survey’s email is tailored to persons you know. Tailoring can have a significant impact. McKinsey & Company, for example, discovered that organizations that are good at tailoring make 40% more money than those that aren’t.

Remove persons from your email list who have stopped communicating with you

Sending an NPS email survey to many old email addresses will result in skewed open and response rates. In addition, mail algorithms may flag your account and prevent you from sending emails from that account in the future.

Make sure your NPS survey email is mobile-friendly

Because smartphones are used by more than 83% of the world’s population, your surveys, papers, and data should be accessible via mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers. Because convenience is key, it won’t be easy to locate people who will go out of their way to interact with you and participate in your surveys if they aren’t mobile-friendly.

Don’t irritate your customers

Making a survey with a low response rate is difficult, but trying to intimidate or anger people into filling it out is far more complex. Just remind them once, then leave. Non-responders, promoters, passives, and critics can be considered a fourth kind.

If you get few responses to your NPS survey email, consider how it is set up and designed in the future to make it more effective.

Keep it brief and to the point

People are more likely to complete your survey if it is simple and brief. The poll should only have one rating question and one follow-up question, such as “Why did you give that rating?” for the best results.

Test your NPS survey email

Test your email subject line, survey phrasing, and distribution frequency to determine what performs best month to month or quarter to quarter.

You can determine which version to utilize if you divide your response rate into groups based on which NPS survey email you sent them.

NPS surveys are an excellent way to learn how pleased and loyal your customers are, how to make your business more productive and profitable, and how to develop strong, long-lasting relationships with your consumers. A strong NPS survey email can assist you in meeting these objectives more quickly.


NPS is a popular figure because it gives a quick and easy way to measure customers’ feelings and find places to improve. Also, it lets businesses compare their success to industry standards and that of their competitors. NPS is often part of an organization’s ongoing process to measure client feedback and happiness.

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