Managers may communicate with their team effectively by conducting employee check-ins. Managers can urge staff members to speak up and candidly express their issues by asking insightful employee check-in questions. It provides an opportunity for management and staff to communicate effectively. It also supports ongoing feedback within the company and encourages transparency.
This article will discuss the significance of employee check-ins and various kinds of employee check-in questions to ask throughout the process.
What is an Employee Check-In?
Employee check-ins are a simple approach to monitoring employee performance without giving the impression that a formal performance evaluation is taking place. They are one-on-one discussions among employees and managers about their performance plans, goals, and objectives.
Employee check-ins allow you to learn about the projects your staff is working on and the occasional problems they run into. It enables employees and managers to address issues without waiting for yearly performance evaluations.
Managers and employees meet briefly to discuss the job completed during a specific period of time at an employee performance check-in. In addition to face-to-face meetings, standardized questionnaires can also be used to conduct employee check-ins.
Employee check-ins help managers understand what works well for their staff and what changes need to be made. Depending on the company’s objectives, you can have weekly, monthly, or quarterly check-ins.
Template for Employee Check-In Questions
We have compiled a list of questions of different types of questions to ask during an Employee Check-in. Feel free to ask questions that work best with your situation.
20 employee Check-In Questions
- Tell me about your week/month –what’s it been like?
- Which word would describe your state of mind right now?
- What has been taking up most of your time lately?
- What do you hope to achieve this month?
- What have you learned since your last check-in?
- Tell me about what you’ve been working on.
- Where can I be most helpful?
- What about work excites you?
- What’sWhat’s a talent you have that you don’t use at work?
- Are you on track to meet the deadline?
- What areas are ahead of schedule?
- What can we do differently next time we have a project like this?
- What questions do you have about this area of responsibility or project?
- What concerns do you have about the project?
- What excites you about this project?
- How are you going to approach this?
- What have you learned about this area of responsibility or project?
- What didn’t go as you had hoped? Why?
- What can you/we do differently next time?
- What suggestions do you have?
25+ Fun Check-in Questions for Employees
- What is the best non-work-related thing to happen to you this week?
- What was the most fun thing for you at work this week?
- Have you had some exciting ideas of late?
- Which teammate do you work best with?
- How is your work-life balance this week?
- What’sWhat’s something that brought you joy this month?
- If you could make an instant organizational change, what would it be?
- Pretend you have a time machine. What will the future you co to advise the current you?
- What was the most random thought you had this week?
- If you could learn any secret about your teammates, what would it be?
- Can you describe your dream team outing?
- What’sWhat’s one random fact you would like to know about your coworkers?
- Is there any teammate you’d like to work closely with?
- If you could go undercover as one among our team, who would it be and why?
- If you could add any word to the dictionary from your vocabulary, what would it be, and what would it mean?
- Take your pick: Teleportation or flying?
- If you were promoted to be the head of the company for a day, what would be the first change you would make?
- What is the first question you would ask me if I could only speak the truth?
- Tell me an embarrassing story about yourself.
- If you could work from anywhere in the world now, where would it be and why?
- The zombie apocalypse is coming. Who are three people you want on your team?
- What would you like to eliminate from your daily routine?
- If you could try anything without any repercussions, what would you try?
- What superhero would you want to be and why?
- If you could change places with someone, who would it be?
- If you could freeze your age forever, what age would you choose and why?
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40 mindset check-in questions
- On a scale of 1-10, How do you feel about your job?
- How confident are you in your abilities?
- What is confusing you?
- What gets you excited?
- What makes you angry?
- What are you most grateful for?
- What motivational tools can help you focus better?
- How well do you gel with your team?
- What can help you sync better with the team?
- Rank on a scale of 1 to 10; how likely are you to meet your deadlines?
- What inspires you?
- What makes you hopeful?
- When do you achieve the best workflow?
- What is something that makes you proud?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your mental health like right now?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how valued are you at work?
- What is your leading cause of concern right now?
- Is there enough room for you to grow in this position?
- What tasks are you most comfortable doing?
- What tasks do you find outside your comfort zone?
- What are your favorite aspects of this job?
- Do you feel stimulated enough at work?
- What are your favorite things about the company?
- What is your biggest distraction?
- What are you feeling most optimistic about?
- How do you feel about your teammates?
- How close do you feel to your coworkers?
- What are you feeling hesitant about?
- How fulfilled are you in your current position?
- How many hours a day do you feel you are entirely focused?
- What are you feeling anxious about?
- What idea is overwhelming you?
- Rank on a scale of 1 to 10; how well do you fit in with your colleagues?
- How is your relationship with your manager?
- Rank on a scale of 1 to 10, how well respected do you feel at the organization?
- Rank on a scale of 1 to 10; how satisfied are you with your job?
- What frustrates you?
- What is causing you doubt?
- What is making you hesitate?
- What could be improved about your role?
Most businesses now prioritize increasing the frequency and value of employee performance conversations. To properly engage and manage performance, employees, and managers must maintain open lines of communication. The better managers and employees can communicate, the more effectively they can collaborate to achieve goals, hone skills, and provide and accept feedback.
Employees could be hesitant to report problems and claim that everything is okay to please superiors or coworkers. By asking specific questions, you may assess the well-being and development of people/teams and identify possible problem areas.
Employee check-ins boost morale among staff members, provide managers with a sense of how their team is doing, and eventually lead to a more satisfied and effective workforce.