
How to Use Survey to Counter Quiet Quitting in Your Team

How to Use Survey to Counter Quiet Quitting in Your Team

The concept of quiet quitting is increasingly prevalent in many workplaces. It happens when an employee mentally “checks out” of their job. 

But they continue to come to work disengaged and unproductive. They have essentially quit the job emotionally. But not officially. This leads to a host of issues like decreased morale, reduced productivity, and possible negative impacts on team dynamics.

How can we tackle this issue? One effective way is through employee surveys. Let’s delve into how these surveys can be designed to combat quiet quitting and create a healthier work environment.

Understanding Quiet Quitting

Before we look into how employee surveys can help, it’s essential to understand what quiet quitting is and why it’s a concern.

Imagine an employee who used to be enthusiastic and engaged, actively contributing ideas and performing their best. Suddenly, they seem disconnected and uninterested, doing only the bare minimum. This change can be due to various factors: 

  • Lack of appreciation
  • Feeling undervalued
  • Minimal growth opportunities 
  • Unmanageable workloads

Causes of Quiet Quitting

Are there many causes of quiet quitting? Yes. Employees don’t leave an organization just because one aspect bothers them. It usually spirals to several other reasons:

  • Lack of Recognition or Appreciation: People like to feel valued and appreciated for their efforts. When hard work goes unnoticed or unrewarded, employees may lose motivation and gradually disengage from their responsibilities.
  • Poor Relationship with Management: Trust and communication with supervisors are vital for employee satisfaction. Employees who feel unsupported or mistreated by their manager might withdraw and stop putting in the effort, leading to quiet quitting.
  • Limited Opportunities for Growth: An employee might feel stuck if there’s no clear path for advancement or personal growth within a company. This lack of opportunity can lead them to stop trying and disengage from their role, even if they don’t officially resign.
  • Work-Life Imbalance: Consistently sacrificing personal time for work can lead to burnout. If an employee feels like they can’t balance their job with their personal life, they may begin to quietly quit by reducing their effort and commitment.
  • Misalignment with Job Role or Company Values: If employees feel that their role does not align with their skills, interests, or values, they might lose interest in their work. This misalignment often results in a gradual withdrawal from responsibilities.
  • Feeling Overwhelmed: Sometimes, the workload may be too much to handle, and the pressure keeps mounting. If there’s no relief or support, an employee might cope by slowly pulling away from their duties.
  • Toxic Work Environment: A negative or hostile work environment can wear down even the most committed employees. Employees might disengage to protect themselves if issues like bullying or unfair treatment persist without resolution.

Importance of Employee Surveys

To address quiet quitting, the root causes must be identified. Employee surveys serve as a tool for gathering honest feedback. These surveys try to understand employee needs and dissatisfaction. Thus uncovering any hidden issues that might be leading to disengagement.

1. Creating a Safe Space for Feedback

Anonymity is key in encouraging employees to share their true feelings. Surveys that guarantee anonymity provide a safe platform for employees to voice their concerns without fear of judgment or retaliation.

2. Identifying Patterns

Well-designed surveys can identify trends and patterns in employee dissatisfaction. Is there a specific department where quiet quitting is more prevalent? Are certain management practices causing discontent? Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward finding solutions.

3. Tailoring Questions to Specific Areas

Survey questions should be thoughtfully crafted to target specific areas of concern. Questions about work-life balance, growth opportunities, relationships with managers, and workload can provide insights into what might be causing quiet quitting.

4. Taking Action on Feedback

Collecting survey data is only the beginning; acting on that information is crucial. Managers and HR professionals need to analyze the results and create actionable plans to address the concerns raised.

Consequences of Quiet Quitting

Let’s look at the consequences of quiet quitting through real-life examples.

Loss of Productivity:

Quiet quitting leads to a significant drop in productivity. Employees merely go through the motions without investing in their tasks. For instance, a sales representative at a well-known company like IBM might stop pursuing new clients or just do the bare minimum to meet targets. This would mean less revenue for the company and could jeopardize the team’s overall performance.

Decline in Employee Morale:

When one person disengages, it can create a domino effect. At Amazon, there have been reports of workers feeling disengaged due to demanding work schedules and high expectations. When some employees quietly quit, others might notice the lack of effort, leading to resentment or a decline in overall team morale.

Damage to Brand Reputation:

Quiet quitting can have a direct impact on customer service. A disengaged customer service representative at a company like Comcast might not provide support, leading to unhappy customers and negative reviews. This can severely damage the brand’s reputation in the market.

Innovation Stagnation:

A famous example of innovation suffering due to disengagement can be seen in Yahoo. Some analysts attribute Yahoo’s decline in innovation to a lack of employee engagement and commitment. When employees quietly quit, they stop contributing new ideas, leading to stagnating innovation and growth.

Increased Turnover:

Quiet quitting often precedes actual quitting. A classic example can be found in the fast-food industry. Chains like McDonald’s often face high employee turnover. When employees feel disconnected from their work and only put in minimal effort, they’re more likely to eventually leave the company, leading to recruitment and training costs.

Legal and Ethical Risks:

In the healthcare sector, quiet quitting can have severe consequences. Nurses or doctors who disengage from their work can cause severe harm to patients. Hospitals like the Veterans Health Administration have faced criticism and legal actions due to lapses in patient care, partially attributed to staff disengagement.

Implementing Changes Based on Surveys

Every organization can work towards making themselves better and growing. Surveys can be a powerful tool to prevent quiet quitting by identifying and addressing the underlying issues. Here is how:

1. Open Communication

After conducting a survey, communicate the findings with the team and demonstrate their voices are heard. Transparency can build trust and show employees that their opinions matter.

2. Implementing Support Systems

If the survey uncovers areas where support is needed, take steps to provide that support. Whether it’s providing additional resources, mentoring, or training, these measures can help employees feel valued and engaged.

3. Creating Opportunities for Growth

If a lack of growth or advancement opportunities is causing disengagement, work on creating clear paths for career progression. Regular check-ins and performance reviews can help employees see where they can grow within the company.

4. Monitoring Progress

Don’t let the survey be a one-time event. Regularly monitor progress and conduct follow-up surveys to ensure the implemented changes have a positive impact.

Sample Survey to Ask Employees

A survey to address this can help identify dissatisfaction and underlying problems before they lead to a loss of talent.

Here’s a sample questionnaire in a simple table format:

QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I feel connected to my coworkers and team.
I clearly understand my job role and responsibilities.
I believe my work aligns with my skills and interests.
I receive regular and constructive feedback from my supervisor.
I feel I have opportunities to grow and advance in my career.
I think my workload is reasonable and manageable.
I feel valued and appreciated for my contributions.
I have a healthy balance between work and personal life.
I feel comfortable communicating my concerns and ideas.
I am satisfied with the recognition and rewards for my work.


Quiet quitting usually starts with a silent cry for help or change. The employee might be struggling but doesn’t speak up. Addressing the underlying causes requires many things from the management. This includes understanding, empathy, and proactive efforts. All this leads to creating a positive and supportive work environment.

This is where a survey can play a huge part in retaining good employees. It can help identify dissatisfaction and underlying problems before they lead to a loss of talent.

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