In today’s world, where we speak about equality and equal opportunities, women still struggle to get their rightful share. As per the studies of the International Labour Organisation, finding a job is much tougher for women compared to men. Although women have often beaten men in securing higher positions regarding education and skills, their capabilities need to be recognized.
There have been many discussions and publicity campaigns about gender equality at all levels, but the gap between men and women in the workforce is quite large. Women are still looked down upon and considered incapable of handling important posts.
The gender gaps in the workplace are still quite wide. Women still struggle to find jobs and are employed in low-quality jobs with limited opportunities and exposure.
Although career opportunities for women are limitless, women are underrepresented at every level.
Gender Gap in Workplaces
Despite significant advancements, women still have a long way to go before being treated equally to men.
Women are still paid less than men, even though they hold the same high-skilled and high-paying positions. Women are still compensated less than men.
Several obstacles result in women being rejected from jobs. These factors may be socioeconomic conditions, a lack of social security programs, technological access, a lack of proper education and banking systems, etc. Society, government, and businesses are responsible for creating barriers to achieving equality.
The gender gaps in the workplace will be closed when all the employees in an office are given equal access to resources and rewards.
As per the Global Gender Gap Report, establishing gender equality will take another 100 years.
Closing the gender gap in workplaces is important not only for fair opportunities and equal representation but also for the company’s overall growth.
What Are The Causes Of The Gender Gap in the Workplace?
There are several macro and microeconomic, and social factors that have led to a gender gap in the workplace. Some causes of the gender gap in the workplace are:
Unequal pay is when women are paid less than men for the same job. As per a statistical report, women earn 80% of what men earn.
Women are considered incapable of occupying high-paying jobs. Although they work more, they are not recognized and are paid less. Discrimination leads to income disparities.
Another major obstacle that women face in their workplace is sexual harassment. 38% of women have faced workplace sexual harassment.
Many women fail to report such incidents and quit their jobs out of fear.
Women who are more educated and talented than men are promoted far less than their male counterparts.
Here, gender bias is what drives women down on the professional front.
Men continue to dominate the workplace, which has led to women being underestimated for their talent and hard work.
This is another factor that leads to gender gaps in the workplace. Certain jobs are said to be handled better by men.
Men are still looked upon as more capable and responsible for holding leadership and managerial positions. Women are still assumed to hold positions of care workers or administrators. Whereas, men are likely to be engineers, doctors or IT professionals.
This is one of the reasons why men occupy higher-paying jobs. In contrast, women who work more are not recognized and are paid less. This leads to lower incomes.
Being a mother often affects a woman’s professional life. It is believed that being a mother makes a woman less dedicated and committed to her work. Compared to their male colleagues, they can only work for short hours, especially in senior posts.
Half of the women quit their jobs for at least a year, twice the rate of men. The reason is that women need time off to shoulder the responsibilities of their families and children.
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Ways To Bridge Gender Gap in the Workplace
There are many ways in which we can bridge the gender gap in the workplace that has arisen due to several factors. Some of these ways include:
To bridge the gender gaps in the workplace, it is not enough to hire more women. Businesses should be more transparent in their recruitment processes. It is the responsibility of the management to create an equitable workplace.
This would involve creating inclusive jobs and conducting fair interviews. There should be no bias when hiring employees. Women should not be eliminated from holding senior ranks and executive positions.
As per McKinsey’s statistics, men currently hold about 60% of manager positions, whereas women hold only 40%. This gap increases with every rise in corporate positions. Women should not be held back from being hired for senior-level positions.
Gender equality at workplaces can only be achieved when every employee is compensated equitably for their contribution at work, irrespective of gender. Companies should offer employees equal pay for equal work.
In order to achieve the objectives of the company, businesses should focus on retaining talented and skilled workers. This involves promoting qualified and talented women who have the capability.
The evaluation process for promotion should be transparent so that every employee gets what they deserve. This can reduce the gender gap that exists.
HR should focus on creating a competitive work environment where every employee works towards achieving the goals of the company.
It is the responsibility of businesses to educate their employees about unconscious bias. Often, employees fail to acknowledge gender discrimination and inappropriate behavior at their workplace.
In order to raise awareness about workplace ethics and the elimination of gender-based discrimination, appropriate training programs and seminars should be held.
Create an appropriate discrimination policy that allows employees to report inappropriate treatment at the workplace. Severe penalties should be imposed for sexual discrimination and harassment.
The gender gaps in the workplace are still quite wide. Although steps are being taken to bridge the gap and bring about equality, more progress has yet to be made.
Women still continue to face discrimination on the grounds of their gender, color, and race.
It is the responsibility of the workplace to acknowledge these issues and provide solutions. Women should be given equal opportunities for advancement and growth.
Changes should be brought about in the workplace culture that encourages a competitive and holistic work environment.