
The Ultimate Guide to Performance Review Questions: Boost Your Team’s Performance

A manager needs to know about an employee’s goals, strengths, and weaknesses. But often, the employees need to express their problems. The performance review questions that are to be asked must hold power to let the employee express his problems. The manager must know the right question to ask and how to ask it.

It is essential to create good communication between the manager and the employee. Performance review makes it possible. It is a one-on-one interaction between the manager and his employee.

But the employee needs to interact more openly. He should ask the manager questions about how he can improve himself for the company as well. He also must know about the performance review questions to ask the manager.

For this reason, we have brought some questions to solve this problem and improve the one-on-one performance review questions.

What are performance review questions?

Performance review questions are the general questions asked during a performance review meeting between an employee and their manager in which they discuss employee performance. Performance reviews aim to look back at past work and make plans and goals for the future. During a review, supervisors often discuss an employee’s career plans. They may also use the review to discuss a raise or give the employee more responsibilities.

Tips for answering performance review questions:

  • Use Natural Responses
  • Be prepared
  • Remember your achievements
  • Be ready with answers
  • Request for a summary of the review

Seven Great Questions Managers Should Ask During Performance Reviews:

  1. Where do you think you could do better in your work?
  1. Do you see yourself working here for a long time?
  1. How can we make it easier for you to do well in your current position?
  1. Which of your recent accomplishments are you most proud of ?
  1. In the coming year, what goals do you have for yourself? How can I support you in achieving those goals?
  1. What new skills have you acquired or developed this year?
  1. What motivates you to get your job done?

Examples of employee self-evaluation questions:

Questions about the job

  • What do you like most about the job you have now?
  • What would you most like to change or get rid of about your job, and why?
  • Tell me about the tasks you’ve taken on or the problems you’ve had to solve since your last performance review.

Questions about performance

  • What were your main goals in your role, and how well do you think you did at meeting them?
  • What are three good things you’ve done in the last three months? Why do you think that you did well?
  • Where do you think your skills would be the most useful? Are there specific projects or areas?
  • Give an example of a tough situation you handled well and the strengths that helped you do so.
  • How would you rate your work since you last talked to your boss? Why do you give that to yourself?
  • What’s the best thing you’ve done in the last three to six months?
  • Since your last evaluation, what goals do you wish you had reached but didn’t?
  • Is there anything you could have done that would have helped you reach your goals? What if so?
  • What do you do on the side that isn’t part of your current job?
  • What job goals do you want to reach during the next evaluation period?
  • What can your boss do to help you reach your goals?
  • What can the group do to help you get what you want?
  • Questions about behavior and values
  • Do you feel that you embody company values? Which ones, if so?
  • Did you always do what you said you would do at work?
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Fun Performance Review Questions

performance review questions

Asking employees fun questions is a great way to get to know them better, whether you’re doing an interview, meeting new employees, or doing team-building exercises. It can also make them feel more at ease, welcome, and comfortable at work. You can learn more about an employee and who they are as a person by the kinds of questions you ask them.

Fun Performance Review Questions examples:

  • Do you like staying up late or getting up early in the morning?
  • What would be your one superpower if you could have one?
  • Tell me about one of your favorite things you did at work.
  • Tell me something about you that most people don’t know.
  • What place do you wish to visit one day?
  • What animal do you think best represents who you are, and why?
  • Which character from a book or movie do you like most? What do you both have common?

Asking employees fun questions is a great way to help them get to know each other better and make everyone feel more at ease around each other.

6 powerful questions to ask in your performance review:

  1. What could I do now to make our company more valuable?
  1. How can I give myself the best chance of advancing in this organization?
  1. Ask your boss, “What can I do to help your business do better?
  1. what extra skills do I need to learn?
  1. How was your review, and how could it be improved?
  1. How can you help the other people on the team more?


In this blog post we have discussed about the performance review questions,

6 powerful questions to ask in your performance review, fun performance review questions performance review questions to ask manager, employee self-evaluation questions and answers, one on one performance review questions, seven great questions managers should ask during performance reviews. These are some important questions. These questions will probably solve many problems and build a very strong connection between the manager and the employee. The manager and employee must consider the company and the working facilities. Progress will come from various ways, and the interaction between the employer and employee is the most important thing.

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