
Important Evaluation Questions for Managers


A 360° evaluation is a powerful tool used to assess a manager’s performance by gathering feedback from all angles – superiors, peers, direct reports, and even external stakeholders. This holistic approach provides a well-rounded view of a manager’s strengths, areas for improvement, and overall effectiveness.

If you’re looking to conduct a 360° evaluation for managers, crafting the right questions is key to getting actionable insights. In this blog, we’ll explore the most essential 360° evaluation questions for managers, focusing on leadership, communication, decision-making, and team development.

Why is 360° Evaluation Important for Managers?

The role of a manager is multifaceted, requiring a balance of leadership, communication, and technical skills. Traditional performance reviews often fail to capture a manager’s full impact, as they primarily reflect the perspective of a single evaluator.

A 360° evaluation, however, gathers feedback from various sources, offering a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of a manager’s performance. It helps uncover blind spots, improve leadership, and foster personal and professional growth.

Key Areas for 360° Evaluation

  1. Leadership and Vision
    • How well does the manager inspire and motivate the team?
    • Is the manager effective in setting a clear vision and goals for the team?
    • How does the manager handle crises and unexpected challenges?
    • Does the manager encourage innovation and allow the team to take calculated risks?
  2. Communication and Collaboration
    • How effectively does the manager communicate goals and expectations to the team?
    • Does the manager listen actively and show openness to different viewpoints?
    • How well does the manager facilitate collaboration across teams and departments?
    • Are conflicts resolved quickly and diplomatically by the manager?
  3. Decision-Making and Problem-Solving
    • Is the manager effective in making decisions under pressure?
    • Does the manager consider input from others before making important decisions?
    • How well does the manager analyze problems and propose solutions?
    • Are the manager’s decisions generally fair, consistent, and aligned with company values?
  4. Team Development and Empowerment
    • Does the manager invest time in coaching and developing team members?
    • How well does the manager delegate tasks and empower others to take ownership?
    • Does the manager recognize and reward team members’ contributions?
    • How does the manager handle performance issues within the team?
  5. Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Skills
    • Does the manager exhibit empathy when dealing with team members and colleagues?
    • How effectively does the manager manage their own emotions in stressful situations?
    • Does the manager build strong, trusting relationships with their peers, reports, and superiors?
    • How well does the manager manage and resolve interpersonal conflicts?
  6. Accountability and Responsibility
    • Does the manager take ownership of their decisions and accept accountability for outcomes?
    • How does the manager handle mistakes – both their own and those of their team members?
    • Does the manager hold team members accountable for meeting goals and deadlines?
    • Is the manager transparent about decisions, especially in challenging situations?
  7. Adaptability and Change Management
    • How well does the manager adapt to change, such as new policies, technologies, or market conditions?
    • Does the manager help the team navigate transitions and maintain morale during times of uncertainty?
    • How effectively does the manager implement new strategies or changes within the team?
    • Does the manager foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning?
  8. Time Management and Prioritization
    • Is the manager effective in prioritizing tasks and projects to meet deadlines?
    • How well does the manager manage their time while balancing multiple responsibilities?
    • Does the manager set realistic deadlines and support the team in meeting them?
    • How effectively does the manager allocate resources to ensure optimal team performance?

Sample 360° Evaluation Questions for Managers

Here are some key 360° evaluation questions tailored to managers. These questions can be posed to their direct reports, peers, and superiors for a holistic review:

Leadership and Vision

  • On a scale of 1-10, how well does the manager inspire and motivate the team?
  • Can you give an example of a time when the manager led the team through a challenging situation?
  • How effectively does the manager set long-term goals and communicate the team’s vision?

Communication and Collaboration

  • How would you rate the manager’s ability to communicate clearly and consistently?
  • Does the manager encourage open communication and feedback within the team?
  • How effectively does the manager collaborate with other departments or teams?


  • How would you rate the manager’s ability to make sound decisions, even under pressure?
  • Does the manager involve relevant stakeholders when making important decisions?
  • Can you provide an example of a well-handled situation where the manager made a tough decision?

Team Development

  • How well does the manager coach or mentor team members for professional growth?
  • Does the manager delegate responsibilities effectively?
  • Does the manager create opportunities for team members to develop new skills?

Emotional Intelligence

  • How would you rate the manager’s ability to understand and manage team members’ emotions?
  • Does the manager handle difficult conversations with empathy and tact?
  • How well does the manager manage their own emotions under stress?


  • Does the manager take responsibility for the team’s successes and failures?
  • How does the manager handle mistakes – both their own and those of the team?
  • How often does the manager give credit to the team for a job well done?


  • How does the manager handle sudden changes or shifts in priorities?
  • Has the manager effectively led the team through a period of change? Provide an example.
  • How would you rate the manager’s ability to implement changes while minimizing disruption?

Conclusion: The Power of 360° Feedback for Managers

360° evaluations offer a wealth of insights that help managers grow, build stronger teams, and enhance overall performance. By asking the right questions, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement, open communication, and leadership development.

Remember, the goal of a 360° evaluation isn’t just to identify areas for improvement but also to celebrate strengths. When done effectively, this type of feedback can be a transformative tool for managerial growth and organizational success.

Are you ready to conduct your 360° evaluation? Start by focusing on key areas like leadership, communication, and accountability to ensure a balanced and effective review. For more information checkout –

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