
Beginner’s Guide to VOC Tools: All You Need To Know

Beginner's Guide to VOC Tools: All You Need To Know
Beginner’s Guide to VOC Tools: All You Need To Know

In today’s competitive market, understanding customer needs and expectations is essential for businesses to thrive. Companies that fail to listen to their customers often struggle with retention and growth. That’s where Voice of the Customer (VOC) tools come in. VOC tools allow businesses to gather, analyze, and act on customer feedback, providing valuable insights into customer experiences, preferences, and pain points.

In this blog, we’ll explore what VOC tools are, why they’re important, and how businesses can use them effectively. We’ll also review the top VOC tools available today and offer tips on how to choose the right tool for your needs.

What Are VOC Tools?

VOC tools are software solutions that help businesses collect and analyze customer feedback across different channels. The feedback can come from surveys, social media, reviews, chatbots, and more. By using VOC tools, businesses can gain a better understanding of customer experiences, identify common issues, and find areas for improvement.

Key Features of VOC Tools:

  • Feedback Collection: Gather customer feedback from various sources.
  • Data Analysis: Process and analyze feedback data to uncover trends.
  • Customer Segmentation: Break down feedback by customer type, region, or other criteria.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Gauge customer emotions and attitudes through feedback.
  • Reporting and Dashboards: Visualize feedback data for easy understanding.

Why Are VOC Tools Important?

The use of VOC tools allows businesses to take a customer-centric approach, ensuring that decisions are driven by actual customer experiences and needs. In an age where customer experience (CX) is a key differentiator, companies that effectively use VOC data are better positioned to improve satisfaction, increase loyalty, and gain a competitive edge.

Benefits of VOC Tools:

  • Improved Customer Retention: Responding to customer concerns increases loyalty.
  • Product and Service Innovation: Feedback identifies gaps in the market, leading to new product ideas.
  • Operational Efficiency: Pinpointing common issues helps improve processes and reduce operational inefficiencies.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Acting on feedback helps in refining the overall customer journey.

Types of VOC Tools

VOC tools come in various forms, each designed to collect and analyze customer feedback differently. Here are some common types:

a. Surveys and Feedback Forms:

These are the most straightforward VOC tools, allowing businesses to ask customers specific questions about their experience. Tools like SurveyMonkey and Google Forms are popular for creating customizable surveys.

b. Social Listening Tools:

These tools help businesses monitor social media platforms for mentions of their brand. Brandwatch and Sprout Social are examples that allow companies to track customer sentiment on social media and engage with them directly.

c. Customer Review Platforms:

Platforms like Trustpilot and Yelp provide a space for customers to leave public reviews. VOC tools in this category can help businesses gather feedback from these sites, respond to reviews, and analyze customer satisfaction trends.

d. Customer Journey Mapping Tools:

Tools like Qualtrics and Medallia help businesses map out the customer journey by analyzing touchpoints and customer interactions across multiple channels.

e. Voice and Text Analytics Tools:

These tools analyze customer conversations, whether through voice calls or chat logs, to extract useful insights. CallMiner and Verint specialize in analyzing customer interactions to identify trends and sentiment.

How to Implement VOC Tools

Implementing VOC tools effectively requires planning and strategy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure that your business can make the most of these tools:

a. Identify Your Objectives:

Start by understanding what you want to achieve with VOC tools. Are you aiming to improve customer satisfaction? Reduce churn? Gather ideas for new products? Defining your objectives will help you select the right tool and metrics to focus on.

b. Choose the Right Tool:

Select a VOC tool that fits your specific needs. If social media is your primary feedback channel, then a social listening tool may be the best option. For companies focused on improving the customer journey, customer journey mapping tools may be more suitable.

c. Collect Feedback Across Channels:

Make sure you’re capturing feedback from all available sources—surveys, social media, emails, customer service interactions, and more. Comprehensive data collection will give you a full view of the customer experience.

d. Analyze Data and Identify Trends:

Use the tool’s analytics capabilities to uncover trends, pain points, and areas for improvement. Pay attention to customer sentiment, recurring issues, and suggestions for new products or services.

e. Act on Insights:

Once you’ve gathered and analyzed the data, the most important step is to act on it. Whether that means making improvements to your product, refining your customer service, or addressing specific complaints, acting on feedback is essential for customer satisfaction.

f. Monitor Results and Adjust:

VOC is an ongoing process, not a one-time project. Continuously monitor feedback to see if your actions are having the desired effect. Adjust your strategy as needed to improve results over time.

Top VOC Tools in 2024

Here’s a list of some of the top VOC tools currently available, along with their key features:

a. Qualtrics XM

One of the most comprehensive customer experience platforms, Qualtrics XM offers advanced survey capabilities, sentiment analysis, and customer journey mapping. Its powerful analytics and reporting features make it a top choice for large businesses.

b. Medallia

Medallia specializes in customer journey analytics and offers real-time feedback capabilities. It helps businesses understand and improve every touchpoint in the customer journey, from initial engagement to post-purchase interactions.

c. SurveyMonkey

Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses, SurveyMonkey is a simple yet effective tool for creating and distributing customer surveys. It offers various survey templates, customization options, and basic analytics.

d. CallMiner

Focused on voice analytics, CallMiner enables businesses to analyze customer service calls, identifying trends in customer behavior and feedback. Its AI-driven tools allow for real-time customer insights.

e. Brandwatch

A social listening platform, Brandwatch tracks brand mentions and customer sentiment across social media channels. Its powerful analytics tools provide insights into what customers are saying and how they feel about a brand.

How to Choose the Right VOC Tool for Your Business

Selecting the right VOC tool depends on several factors, including your business size, industry, budget, and the type of customer feedback you want to gather. Here are a few considerations to help guide your decision:

a. Type of Feedback:

Consider the primary sources of feedback in your business. If you rely heavily on customer service interactions, then a voice and text analytics tool may be the best fit. If you gather feedback from social media, a social listening tool will be more beneficial.

b. Budget:

VOC tools can range from free to highly expensive, depending on their capabilities. Small businesses might opt for simpler, more affordable options like SurveyMonkey, while larger enterprises may require comprehensive platforms like Qualtrics or Medallia.

c. Easy of Use:

Some VOC tools are more user-friendly than others. Consider how much time and resources you can allocate to training employees on how to use the tool and analyze the feedback data.

d. Integration Capabilities:

Ensure the VOC tool can integrate with your existing systems, such as CRM software, marketing platforms, and customer service tools. Seamless integration will streamline your workflow and ensure feedback data is actionable.

Best Practices for Using VOC Tools

To make the most of your VOC tools, follow these best practices:

a. Keep Surveys Short and Focused:

If you’re using surveys to gather feedback, keep them concise and to the point. Long surveys can lead to respondent fatigue, resulting in lower response rates.

b. Use Multiple Feedback Channels:

Don’t rely on just one feedback source. Combine survey responses, social media feedback, and customer service interactions to get a complete picture of the customer experience.

c. Act on feedback promptly:

Customers want to know that their feedback is being heard and acted upon. Respond to negative feedback quickly, and use positive feedback to reinforce what’s working well.

d. Continuously Improve:

VOC is not a one-time project but an ongoing process. Use the insights from your VOC tools to continuously improve products, services, and customer experiences.


Voice of the Customer (VOC) tools are essential for any business that wants to stay competitive in today’s customer-driven market. By collecting and analysing feedback, businesses can gain insights into customer needs, preferences, and pain points, which can then be used to improve products, services, and the overall customer experience.

With a wide range of VOC tools available, businesses of all sizes can find a solution that fits their needs and budget. By following the best practices for using these tools, you can ensure that your business is listening to its customers and acting on their feedback effectively, driving both customer satisfaction and business growth.

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