In search of knowledge? Getting started on the right foot is crucial. Your survey question types are highly correlated with the quality of your data collection methods.
Ask yourself where you plan on putting your survey results before you dive in and start crafting questions. Do you intend to pose straightforward questions? How about the use of definite answers to questions? Deciding on the best question structure should be a breeze when you know what you hope to learn from your survey and what data you want to collect.
With this guide, you’ll learn how to create surveys like a pro once you’ve mastered using the best survey questions!
A Brief Overview Of Popular Survey Question Types
Some examples of common survey question types are provided, as with advice on how to craft powerful survey questions.
Multiple choice

Many people are familiar with multiple-choice questions, in which the respondent is given several possible answers. You have the option of limiting respondents to a single choice or giving them many checkboxes in which to enter their responses.
It is essential to consider the following:
- Indicate clearly if the respondent is expected to pick just one (“pick only one”) or a range of options (“select all that apply”).
- Carefully consider the alternatives you give since they will impact the data you collect.
Rank order
A rank structure asks participants to place items in order of preference, frequency, or perceived worth. Several types of interfaces are available, including drop-down menus, radio buttons, text entry fields, and more.
The process of writing a ranking inquiry must be taken into account as follows:
- Describe the interface and how the respondent may make their selection. For example, “rearrange the items in this list to reflect your preferences.”
- Differentiate between the two poles of the scale. For instance, “Rank these products from best to worst, with the greatest at the top.”
- Give the respondent as much information as possible about assessing and scoring the options. For instance, “based on your watching habits over the past three months, please rate these online TV streaming services, best to worst.”
Likert scale questions

When conducting single-topic surveys, market researchers often resort to using Likert scales. They are the easiest and most effective methods for reducing survey bias. Each question or statement has an option for the subject to choose from. Common examples of reactions are:
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
Image choice questions

You may use pictures as alternatives to our multiple-choice questions. In particular, this can be helpful if you want respondents to rate the aesthetic merits of advertisements or logos. It also gives responders a break from reading, which may be a welcome change of pace.
Matrix questions

Matrix questions are ideal when you must ask many questions in a sequence with the same possible answers. To ask a question using a matrix table, you should:
- Ensure the questions aren’t too similar or too far off from one other, as this might lead to participants answering the wrong question.
- Just remember to be succinct and to the point. The material in a matrix is already dense; to make things easy for the respondent, write in simple language and use concise terms.
- If the labels are too short, it would be wise to expand upon the static content in the introduction.
- It is best to avoid using large matrix tables. Especially on mobile devices, understanding and interpreting them can be challenging.
Drop-down questions

By using a drop-down question, you may present many options to your responders without overloading them. You may provide them with a drop-down menu of options to select from using this feature. Displaying all possible selections can give respondents more insight into the question.
To create a drop-down question:
- It’s important to remember that if your survey includes more than one drop-down question.
Rating scales questions

Ordinal questions, often known as rating scale questions, present a set of choices on a graduated scale ( 1 to 10, etc.). They allow survey respondents to choose the response option most accurately reflects their viewpoint.
One type of question that may be classified as a rating scale inquiry is the Net Promoter Score question. A scale determines the extent to which consumers would suggest the product or service to others.
When using a rating scale question, the following should be taken into account:
- It is helpful to provide the respondent with some background information before asking them to use a ranking question or a numerical rating scale. A numerical rating system may not make much sense unless you provide some context for the numbers you’ve chosen to use.
Related: The Secret To Garner High Responses
Putting It All Together
Designing a survey that provides valuable information requires meticulous attention to detail. A good survey begins with good questions.
Knowledge of the various survey question formats and their respective strengths is crucial for success. A different approach is needed for each format when it comes to writing questions.
In a research study, the quality of the survey questions directly impacts the quality of the outcomes.
Check out SurveyPoint if you are seeking a survey companion to help create surveys that users are excited to fill out. Pick from a variety of professionally designed, editable survey layouts. Get free access to 20+ question types today!
Heena Shah – Content Writer at Sambodhi