We bet you already know what multiple-choice questions are. They are easy to understand, exciting, and the best question type to make your respondents fill out your survey. And, if you are thinking of adding a multiple-choice question to your survey, great choice! On SurveyPoint, you can choose from several different MCQ types when designing your survey.
Multiple Choice Questions: Definition
We’re sure multiple questions need no explaining. Depending on its structure, every question has as many as five answer options.
Here are some quick multiple-choice questions with answers:
Question 1: How do you feel today?
- Happy.
- Sad.
- Angry.
- Okayish.
Question 2: Do you agree that Earth is in the shape of a sphere?
- Agree.
- Disagree.
- Not Sure.
When it comes to the choices, the answer options can either be single-select or multiple-select. Respondents are free to check multiple options when answering a multi-choice MCQ instead of a single-choice MCQ.
Multiple choice questions are widely acceptable and keep your surveys easy to fill and fun.
Related: Top Survey Question Types To Win Higher Response Rate
Different Types Of Multiple-Choice Questions
Now that you know the basics let’s step further into the different types. Did you know there are over ten different types of multiple-choice question examples you can choose from to build your survey?
Here’s an explanation and examples of some of them.
Example 1: Single Select MCQs
As stated above, this type allows the respondents to choose a single answer from the choices given. Regarding the survey, the primary aim of such questions is mostly to analyze users’ preferences and track the current trends.
These are close-ended questions where respondents choose what they relate to the most.
Here are some examples of single-select multiple-choice questions and answers.
Question 1: Do you feel like you can easily express your feelings?
- No, I fear getting judged.
- Yes, I am comfortable enough to share what’s on my mind.
Question 2: How often do you shop with us?
- Every Week.
- Every Month.
- Once every three months.
- Rarely.
- Never shopped before.
Question 3: Are you familiar with our company’s goals?
- Yes, I abide by them constantly.
- Yes, but not property.
- No, I have no clue.
Question 4: How happy are you with our customer support services?
- Very happy.
- Happy.
- Still trying to figure it out.
- Not very happy.
- Disappointed.
Question 5: Is Your manager the first person to go to when you face any problem?
- Yes, I trust them fully.
- Mostly only when it involves work.
- Never. I’d rather talk to my colleagues.
- No opinion on this.
Example 2: Multi-Select MCQs
Your respondents can select more than one option available in a single question. This type involves two other categories:
- Permuting MCQs: This category involves the selections being permuted or sequenced every time.
- Non-permuting MCQs: This category keeps the choice sequence static.
Here are some examples of multi-select MCQs for a better understanding:
Question 1: What do you like about our product? (Select any 2)
- It is affordable.
- It has an uncompromising quality.
- It lasts longer.
- It’s highly portable.
- It’s highly functional.
Question 2: How did you come to know about our services?
- Google Ads.
- Instagram.
- Facebook.
- Twitter.
Question 3: What are the three features our products lack?
- Affordability.
- Availability.
- Functionality.
- Aesthetic.
- Durability.
Question 4: What problems did you face when talking to our customer support executive?
- They weren’t supportive.
- I was not able to solve my issue.
- They were rude.
- I have no problem.
Example 3: Dropdown Menu MCQs
Pretty similar to other MCQs, respondents in this type choose their options from a drop-down menu. Depending upon the prior choices made by your respondents, the survey maker can configure the preferences to select either one or multiple options.
This question type can be great when respondents are required to answer from a pool of questions. Here are some examples for a better understanding:
Question 1: What is your gender?
- Female.
- Male.
- Transgender.
- I prefer not to say.
- My gender is not listed here.
Question 2: What is the highest level of education you have?
- High school degree.
- Undergraduate degree.
- Post-graduate degree.
- Doctorate.
- Professional diploma.
- Professional certification.
Question 3: What department or industry do you belong to?
- Accounting.
- Administrative.
- Engineering.
- Educational.
- Financial.
- Hospitality.
- IT.
- Marketing.
- Management.
- Nursing.
- Staffing.
- Please specify.
Question 4: What is your daily average screen time?
- 10 hours.
- 6 hours.
- 4 hours.
- Less than 2 hours.
- I don’t know.
Example 4: Star Rating MCQs
A star rating multiple choice question type is mainly used to identify the level of satisfaction or disappointment your customers face. This question type is a popular choice for customer feedback service. It allows the surveyor to scale the answers and form their conclusion visually. Additionally, it maintains efficient and simple service filling. You can include multiple-choice questions through a pull-down menu or a tap.
Here are some examples for a better understanding.
Question 1: How happy are you with our services?
Question 2: Will you buy our product again in the future?
Question 3: Is our product value for the money?
Related: The Best 360 Feedback Tool To Look Out For In 2022
Example 5: Text Slider MCQs
The text slider multiple-choice question type is a great choice for surveys that need a little more excitement. This question type allows the respondents to drag the slider bar and select the desired degree of their reference.
One of the best things about this type is that respondents don’t have to enter the answers manually. Therefore, it saves respondents’ time while still keeping them engaged.
Here are some questions for a better understanding:
Question 1: How satisfied are you with our services?
Question 2: Do you think our customer service team is reliable?
Question 3: Were you able to resolve the issue you were facing?
Question 4: Would you buy with us again?
Question 5: Would you recommend our services to your friends or family?
Summing It Up
In addition to the types stated above, you can go for several other question types of multiple-choice questions to make your surveys more interactive. MCQs can be a great way to keep the survey length short and gather loads of data in one go.
If you are searching for a survey-building platform, SurveyPoint can be your trusted companion. The platform offers an easy interface and interactive features to keep your surveys interesting. With a library of over 20+ question types, you can design surveys that seem natural and yield meaningful data.
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Heena Shah – Content Writer at Sambodhi