It is essential to get a complete picture of how your employees feel about their company’s leaders, supervisors, and coworkers. You should find out the truth about an employee’s strengths and weaknesses and any blind spots that could negatively impact their performance or morale. This is where the 360-degree feedback questionnaire comes into action.
In this article, you’ll learn what a 360-degree feedback questionnaire is and what questions you should include in your surveys to give your employees a complete evaluation every year.
360 degree feedback questionnaire: Definition
360-degree feedback questionnaires make it possible to get information from many different sources about a single employee’s strengths and areas for improvement in the context of the business as a whole.
- Most of the time, 360-degree feedback surveys are given to coworkers, subordinates, and managers to determine how well an employee is doing in areas like leadership, communication, teamwork, and specific job-related skills.
- The business may also give the person being evaluated a questionnaire to help them determine their strengths and areas where they could improve.
- In a typical 360-degree feedback questionnaire, people rate how they answered a set of questions.
- Most questionnaires have between fifty and a hundred different categories for people to rate an employee on a scale from one to ten, with ten being the best score.
- In a small number of these surveys, there may also be open-ended questions that require the respondent to give more information about how they came to choose specific answers.
After all the questionnaires are filled out, the information is put together to make a report about the employee’s strengths and areas where they could improve. Employees can use these results to find out how their coworkers feel about how they do their jobs and to figure out where they can make improvements.
What does it imply to get 360-degree employee feedback?
Unlike a formal performance review, a 360-degree feedback questionnaire aims to get feedback about a person from those who work with them the most, such as their direct reports, colleagues, and superiors.
During a 360-degree review, an employee’s boss, subordinates, and peers will all have a chance to say something about the employee’s performance and how it affects the team.
Information from 360-degree feedback surveys is used to make a report about an assessor’s good points and bad points.
Remember that this type of evaluation doesn’t focus on performance. Instead, it looks at everything that could be connected to an employee’s actions. The person taking the test may find out new things about themselves or feel a little worried. But it is one of the best ways to help a person improve their relationships, their ability to communicate, and, in the long run, their work performance.
What does a 360-degree evaluation look like?
A 360-degree evaluation is a simple process that starts with making a questionnaire and ends with sharing the results and talking with the person being evaluated about a plan to build on their strengths and fix their weaknesses or blind spots. Here’s what you do:
Survey your employees.
On a scale from 0 to 10, this questionnaire rates a person’s communication, teamwork, leadership, initiative, and judgment, among other things, about their behavior and relationships. There are also some open-ended questions to which people can give their answers.
The privacy of the participants must be protected.
If you want your participants’ most honest and accurate answers, you must keep their identities secret. We don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves after completing this survey, but we also know that even constructive criticism can lead to awkward conversations in the break room.
You should summarize people’s feedback answers to ensure everyone is safe and no one is singled out. This can hide the people whose answers stand out and help ensure the results are correct, but it will be fine.
Give instructions and overviews.
Training is essential to the feedback process because it helps employees understand how to use the results to move up in their careers. There must be some training so employees can learn more about 360-degree feedback surveys and get their questions answered. If they know this, they can answer the questions freely and honestly.
Start the survey and get people to answer it.
Ensure the survey comes with clear instructions, so everyone knows their role and what they need to do. Put the questionnaire on the company website so employees can easily see it.
Data analysis
If you look at the information from different angles, you can understand it better. This makes it easier to determine the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, which can then be used to guide growth and training.
Develop and disseminate results
Once you’re done analyzing the data, hold review sessions where employees can sit down with a facilitator to discuss the results and set goals and targets based on their learning.
360-degree feedback questionnaire for managers
Companies can use 360-degree feedback questionnaires to evaluate their current managers and determine who will be the next leaders. Leaders who can inspire and push their team to do great things are essential. If you ask the right 360-degree feedback questions, you can learn a lot about how good a manager is and which employees have the potential to become leaders.
Here are some example questions you may use to evaluate your present managers utilizing a 360-degree feedback questionnaire for managers:
- Does this management take care of problems well?
- Does this company’s management respect its workers?
- Does this manager’s behavior help subordinates grow and become more mature?
- How well does this manager handle disagreements?
- Do the people in charge give you feedback that helps you get better?
- Could you contact the people in charge whenever you have questions or ideas?
- Before making big decisions, does this manager consider what employees say?
- Does this manager often give incentives to employees who do a good job or act well?
- What do you think of this manager’s ability to set clear goals that fit the company’s overall strategy?
- Is this manager always able to keep their emotions and behavior in check when they’re in high-conflict or stressful situations?
360-degree feedback questionnaire leadership
Here are some examples of 360-degree feedback questions that you could use to find your company’s future leaders:
- Does the worker’s behavior fit the image of a professional?
- Does this worker use their time well?
- Do you think this worker is honest, trustworthy, and moral?
- Has this worker shown that they can use feedback to make their work better?
- Does this worker put the client’s needs before their own?
- Can this employee take the lead in trying to find solutions to problems?
- Does this person make people around them want to do their best?
- Has this worker taken the information to help the team?
- Do you think this person knows and lives by the values of our company?
- Have you depended on this worker to do what they said they would do?
Questions for 360-degree feedback in communication
The goal of the questions included in the communication competency is to gauge the candidate’s listening and speaking skills and their ability to convey ideas through writing. Interviewees may be questioned about their abilities to interact with various audiences, including consumers, coworkers, and superiors. Some sample questions to use when gauging an employee’s proficiency in workplace communication are as follows:
- Do you think this worker has good listening skills?
- Is this worker articulate while interacting with clients?
- Does this worker get along well with others on the team?
- Are they able to convey information effectively to managers?
- Do their presentations seem polished and professional?
- Does this worker actively seek explanations when something is unclear?
- Does this worker try to learn about and respect the perspectives of others who disagree with them?
- Is this person receptive to criticism from their superiors and coworkers?
- Is the worker’s writing easy to understand and follow?
- Does the worker’s report demonstrate a strong command of the English language?
There are various kinds of questions involved in a 360-degree feedback questionnaire. You can get a 360 feedback template free download from the links below.
360-degree feedback questionnaire doc PDF
360-degree feedback template word
You can now see why it’s so essential for peers to give each other feedback from all angles. It provides a clear picture of how a business is doing and helps the people in charge decide whether or not to make changes. They are vital to the growth of employees and figuring out who has the skills and potential to be a leader. Also, it helps people talk to each other better, which makes workplaces more open to people from different backgrounds and points of view.
A 360-degree feedback questionnaire is one of the most effective ways to add value to your company.