You can understand your client’s wants and preferences using a digital marketing questionnaire. This post should help you create a robust customer questionnaire for digital marketing.
We’ve outlined the fundamental questions you need to ask in digital marketing to successfully offer a strategy adapted to their wants and specifications. These questions will help to understand the impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior too.
Digital marketing questionnaire for employees
- What is your business hoping to accomplish with digital marketing? You may select more than one option.
- Bringing visitors to the website or social media platform to generate ad revenue.
- Drives customers to our website or social media platform to make purchases.
- Market analysis.
- Establishing an online presence.
- Bringing clients into physical stores.
- Obtaining contact details.
- I’m not sure.
- Other.
- What digital marketing initiatives have your business undertaken? You may select more than one.
- Website enhancements for SEO.
- SEO advancements and social media.
- YouTube and Google ads.
- Instagram and Facebook ads.
- E-mail advertising.
- Marketing on LinkedIn.
- Brand recognition and brand enhancements.
- Other
Please use this space to provide more detailed information about your activity. (Not Compulsory)
- What sources does your business employ for these operations?
- Engaging a marketing firm
- Employing a freelancer
- Working on my own
- Teamwork inside the workplace
- Other
- Based on a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your company’s digital marketing efforts?
- Counting yourself, how many people work for your company?
- 1-10
- 10-50
- 50-200
- 200-1000
- 1000+
- Unaware/uncertain
- Please choose the percentage of annual revenue over spending on digital marketing efforts.
- 1% to 2% of total revenues.
- 2% to 5% of total revenues.
- 5% to 10% of total revenues.
- 10% to 20% of total revenues.
- 20% and higher
- Not certain
- Does your digital marketing team meet predetermined objectives?
- Exceeding expectations.
- Achieving expectations.
- Underperforming.
- Unsure.
- Do you have set or flexible budgets for the mentioned (check all that apply)?
- Customer acquisition.
- Sales conversion.
- Customer retention.
- Service and support
- No specific digital marketing outcomes have been identified.
Digital marketing questionnaire for customers
Ask these questions to get the information you need to make this digital marketing project a success:
- What amount are you now investing in digital marketing?
- Website design and content management are two digital marketing expenses and possibilities.
- Feedback management
- Search engine optimization
- management of social media
- Data-driven analytics strategy
- Chatbot
- Cloud computing
- Current marketing channels – Previous methods of customer acquisition?
- What channel is being used right now?
- Websites
- Social media
- Microsites
- Links
- E-mails
- Search engines
- Branding
- Customer relationship management
- Blogs and chats
- Video sharing
- Viral marketing
- Photos
- Advertisements
- Newsletters
- How many new clients have been added annually?
- What are your market share and target markets?
- How many employees in your business work in marketing?
- Has the business hired a graphic designer to help with brand development?
- Please submit the benchmarks you propose for client feedback.
- What techniques are currently being used to get client feedback?
- What is the geographic scope of your market’s target?
- Regional
- Local
- National
- International
- Regional
- Please list your target markets above (geographical coverage) in the following order of priority.
- Please list the names of any groups that support or promote your business.
- Have you ever run a campaign for your website’s link popularity and building? If so, kindly include specific details regarding your “backlinks.”
- Which search engines, if any, do you wish to concentrate on specifically?
- What do the search engines think of your present website? Do you have any traffic logs or statistics we may look at?
- Are you looking forward to being recognized for anything in particular?
- Please briefly describe your existing Internet marketing strategy and mention any upcoming (planned) changes.
- What businesses or sectors support or complement your offerings?
- Three of your closest and most essential rivals should be listed (Company Name, Location, Website URL).
Note: We will use the detail to analyze their websites to learn about their target markets, the level of optimization of their websites, and how search engines rank them.
- Describe the critical performance indicators (KPIs).
- Please specify the groups of individuals, behaviours, and results that we’ll use analytics to study.
- Have reports on demographics and interests been enabled?
- The sessions and clicks, are they being recorded?
- What data fields are there, and what can we monitor and analyze to produce more insightful results?
- Please provide advertising campaigns that aim to reach particular users.
- Have you already created a Google Adwords account?
29. What are the demographics of your targeted users?
30. Include a few keywords that best characterize your primary goods and services, setting you apart from the competitors.
31. Do you intend to mention special offers, deals, or other incentives in your advertising campaign?
32. Do you demand the inclusion of any particular keyword terms in your campaign?
33. Do you employ Google Analytics?
34. Do you use a Google Maps account?
35. Please provide customer testimonials, social media marketing, and e-mail marketing.
36. How frequently do you share content that can interest your followers or regular customers? It enhances the possibility of repeat business.
37. How often do you send newsletters?
38. How many blogs do you post each month?
39. Where may users engage with your chatbot? Here are some options to think about:
- On your website.
- Your mobile application.
- Instagram and Facebook Messenger.
- iMessage.
40. When will the chatbot contact a real person?
- Make a telephone or video call request.
- Speaks in a way that suggests annoyance or rage.
- Asks the same inquiry several times.
- Refers to a topic that could be delicate or dangerous.
- Asks a query that the bot is unable to respond to.
You can learn more about the needs, objectives, difficulties, ideal customer categories, and success measures of your clients by using a questionnaire for a digital marketing client.
These surveys, if properly conducted, can assist you in developing a successful marketing plan sensitive to your target audience’s preferences and needs.
Generally speaking, conversational surveys increase response rates and produce enjoyable experiences. The majority of your clients will respond to your survey since they enjoy doing surveys which are conversational in style.