A wise digital marketer once said that the title of a post should get at least as much attention as the post itself. At first, that seems like a crazy idea. Is it going to take that long to write a headline? But 90% of people who read it will only see the title. So, catchy survey phrases could either win the game or lose it.
This post will discuss the importance of catchy survey phrases, survey title examples, and more. Read on to learn ways to get a click on your surveys and emails.
It doesn’t matter how well-designed your survey is. If you send it to respondents by email, it may be lost in other messages. The question is: how to deal. Subject lines that are interesting or humorous are more likely to be opened, so put some thought into writing a subject line for a research email.
What is the Importance of the Subject Line for Research Email?
Good marketers know clients don’t like to give out information independently and must ask the right questions to get honest, valuable answers. Since it’s not up to customers to give businesses helpful feedback, we need to point them in the right direction by asking questions that will get answers that marketers would rather not have to deal with. So, we must ensure we choose the correct survey and save our clients time. This means there are strict limits on the number of words for open-ended questions and few options for closed-ended answers.
Points to Remember for Catchy Survey Phrases:
- Time is one of the essential things to consider when sending out surveys.
- It would help if you didn’t ask a new subscriber to your newsletter how they plan to use the product in a survey.
- The best time to draft a customer satisfaction survey is after you’ve talked to the person before, a few weeks after they’ve signed up, or as part of a regular mailing.
- Include a “thank you” bonus for the time people spent filling out the survey and use A/B testing to find out which survey gets the best results.
- Customers’ thoughts are essential, and a well-made survey could help you hear them.
- People on your online marketing mailing list have used your business’s products or services, so they can attest to the quality of your customer service and the overall customer experience.
A consumer may only take a minute or two to fill out an email survey, but the email marketer behind it will have to put in much more time and effort. Once you’ve done the work to do a survey, you need to ensure your contacts are responding to the email you sent them.
When it comes to getting people to click through and answer, the employee survey subject lines are just as essential as the message itself. You won’t get many responses if people don’t read the emails.
But surveys can be used for more than just gathering information. They can also build relationships by making the people who fill them out feel heard and valued. Also, any marketer will tell you that the way you treat your customers is ultimately what will determine how successful you are.
Survey Titles Examples
Before moving forward, let us discuss a few ‘Survey Title for Business’ examples to understand the topic better.
- Have a moment to spare?
- Put your thoughts into words, please.
- How was your most recent interaction with (brand name)?
- Vote, and you’ll get 50% off your next purchase.
- We would love to hear from you!
- We care about what you think.
- Attention, please! Your help is needed.
- We value your feedback and would love to hear from you!
- Please take our survey and get 30% off!
- We are eagerly waiting to listen to your Point of View!
- Spare a moment and discount in return.
- Could you help us improve? Your opinion is needed.
- Hi (name)! Please rate your experience with us!
- Share your review of [product], and we’ll send you a surprise gift!
- We’d love to know how the [recently purchased item] fits.
Lastly, let us discuss a few tips for writing response request subject lines that will get you a click.
Tips to Write Employee Survey Subject Lines
Make the subject line unique
The recipient’s name must always be in the subject line of a survey email. It’s clear why this is happening. If the subject line doesn’t feel like it was written just for them, it’s hard for someone to feel “human” about an email. They may think the sender isn’t as interested in what they have to say as they are. They should have taken the time to ensure the subject line was interesting enough to get the reader’s attention immediately.
How can companies ensure that the subject line for employee feedback emails is more relevant? Take a look at the following:
- Use the person’s first name when you greet them.
- Using the title of the recipient
- Using triggers at the right time
Sending the same survey respondent multiple emails with different subject lines is one way to do this. You can only finish the job with survey data. Look into what your customers say and do to find out what will get their attention. Remember that you want to start talking to them.
Ask questions
When a business sends an email, the subject line is often just one simple sentence, like “Take our satisfaction survey.” Even though it is short and easy to understand, some people may ignore it because it sounds more like a script than the start of a real conversation.
People might respond better to questions than statements because they think the company is talking back and forth with them.
Companies can make survey questions more exciting and relevant to the company at hand by adding the customer’s name or other details. In the subject line of an email survey, the question “[first name], how are you liking our product?” than a bland “Please rate our products” is much more likely to get a response than the latter. The first makes it sound like the company cares about the client’s experience and the results they got from using the service.
Questions are a fantastic way to get more people to join in, but they should be used sparingly.
Be specific in the subject line
There is a link between having a short subject line and getting more responses. That makes sense; clients are more likely to complete a survey if the subject line is clear and to the point.
Make sure the survey preview and subject line work well on mobile devices.
People don’t want to read messages with long subject lines anymore. Because they have a short attention span, they must focus on long topic lines. Also, some people might want to avoid opening an email with a long subject line because it might seem like extra work.
Also, companies should remember that most emails are opened on mobile devices.
To give your consumers the best experience possible, it’s important to use short, clear subject lines that stand out and enticing email previews that work well on mobile.
Use the customer’s native language when talking to them
When doing a survey, it’s essential to talk to customers from different areas in their language. Change the subject line so that it gets read. Make the star rating and the next question fit the local culture, so they are easy to answer. Personalizing the survey will make this process very easy to handle.
Since your goal is to get more responses, it will pay off to pay attention to how you say things. Once your business decides to go after customers worldwide, remember that all customer touchpoints need to be changed to fit the local market.
Offer rewards and point out benefits.
Incentives can significantly increase the number of people who fill out surveys because they give people a real reason to do so (the chance to get something). People probably will only delete an email if the subject line says they’ll get something for free or a considerable discount.
Trigger emotions
This is because an email with a survey in it could get lost among all the other emails the person gets if the subject line needs to catch their attention.
Putting emojis in the subject lines of surveys could increase the number of responses, encourage a positive attitude, and make them stand out. Even though this kind of response makes sense, research suggests that it is not the case. Even though it might get more attention, it makes people feel the opposite of what it should.
The subject line of a survey can either make or break it. If it’s not fascinating or interactive enough, people will ignore the email, which means that companies will lose on surveys that aren’t answered.
So, how can businesses make catchy survey phrases that are interesting? What is a good subject line for a survey?
Using questions, short subject lines, and personalization is a good idea. Businesses need to do a lot of testing to find out which survey questions get the most responses.
Visit Survey Point if you want an easy-to-use, scalable solution that lets you send highly customized surveys to specific groups of people.