
How Competitor Analysis Surveys Drive Growth?

How Competitor Analysis Surveys Drive Growth?

Are you curious about the impact of competitor analysis surveys on driving business growth? In today’s competitive marketplace, understanding your rivals and staying one step ahead can make all the difference. Surveys based on competitor analysis are helpful in this situation. Comprehensive research takes time and work, but it rewards you with valuable insights to help you find opportunities, detect hazards, and inform your company’s initiatives. 

This blog explores the value of competitive analysis surveys and explains why it’s time well spent. We’ll show you how these surveys give you a competitive edge and enable you to make wise decisions in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive. And also show you how to obtain client feedback to analyze market trends.

What is Competitive Analysis?

Competitive analysis is analyzing and researching your rivals to learn about their market tactics, advantages, and disadvantages. Locating and evaluating the key rivals in your market is necessary to understand their product offerings, price points, marketing tactics, and customer perceptions. 

Source: Impactplus

Why Should You Conduct a Competitive Analysis Survey?

There are several compelling reasons for organizations to commit their time and resources to conducting a competitive analysis study. 

  • Receive pertinent information about rivals from your target market. Ask questions like, “Which competitor do you prefer and why?” or “What are the key factors that attract you to a competitor’s offering?”
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of competitors for strategic improvement. Example – “What do you think is the main advantage of our competitors?”
  • Spot market trends and openings for differentiation. For instance, “What new features or services would you like to see in the market?”

Steps to Conduct a Competitive Analysis Survey

A systematic method is required when conducting a competitive analysis survey to ensure accurate data gathering and insightful findings. 

  1. Establish Goals and Research Questions: Outline your survey’s objective and the precise data you hope to collect. Determine the research questions that will guide the creation of your survey.
  1. Decide on the Target Market and the Sample Size: Establish the audience’s demographics and behavioral traits you want to assess. Determine the sample size based on statistical significance and the representativeness of your target market.
  1. Select the Best Survey Techniques: Select the most appropriate survey technique, such as in-person questionnaires, phone interviews, or online questionnaires. Consider cost, accessibility, and comfort for responders and your staff.
  1. Type and Design of the Survey Questions: Create neutral, well-structured survey questions about your research topics. Combine closed-ended (multiple-choice, Likert scale) and open-ended questions to acquire quantitative and qualitative data.
  1. Data collection and analysis for surveys:
  • Distribute your survey to the intended audience and gather replies.
  • To maintain data integrity, verify data accuracy, eliminate duplicates, and deal with incomplete responses.
  • Use statistical methods and tools to analyze the data and derive actionable insights.
  1. Interpreting Survey Findings: Analyze the results to detect trends, patterns, and necessary conclusions. To comprehend market dynamics and competitive positioning, compare and contrast the responses of various rivals.
  1. Offer Recommendations: Make inferences about your competitors’ advantages, disadvantages, and opportunities based on the survey data. Use this data to guide the creation of your products, marketing initiatives, and overall competitive positioning.

By putting these suggestions into practice, you may improve the efficiency of your surveys for competition analysis, providing your company with more precise and valuable insights.

Tools and Resources for Competitive Analysis Surveys

Conducting competitor analysis surveys can be aided by several valuable tools and resources. 

Online Survey Platforms

Online survey creation and distribution tools like Survey Point provide simple user interfaces for gathering and analyzing data

Intelligence Software

Software for competitive intelligence, such as SEMrush, SimilarWeb, and SpyFu, offers valuable information on rivals’ online presence, keyword plans, and digital advertising activities. These tools aid in better decision-making by highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of competitors.

Data Visualization Tools

In addition, software for data visualization, such as Tableau and Power BI, aids in the clear presentation and comprehension of survey results. They make the conveyance of complex data easier by enabling the production of aesthetically pleasing charts, graphs, and dashboards. 

Utilizing these tools and resources simplifies the competitive analysis survey process, improves data gathering and analysis, and provides organizations with the information they can use to take immediate action.

Tips for Effective Competitive Analysis Surveys

  • Keep your competitor analysis surveys succinct and success-oriented: An example of limiting the number of questions to the most crucial ones is asking respondents to rank competitors based on specific criteria or to score their satisfaction with competitors’ products/services on a scale of 1–10.
  • Use anonymous survey platforms or methods that guarantee the confidentiality of respondents, for instance. Assure responders that you won’t use their answers and will remain private. 


Competitors analysis surveys are an effective growth-promoting instrument. Companies can take advantage of possibilities for improvement, keep ahead of the competition, and make wise business decisions by acquiring insightful information about their rivals’ advantages and disadvantages. 

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